Naukasana comes from the two Sanskrit words 'nauka' which means 'boat' and 'asana' meaning 'posture' or 'seat'. It is a posture in which our body takes the shape of a boat. ... Naukasana is one of the few yoga poses that can be performed lying both on the stomach
Ustrasana is a backbend that boosts shoulder flexibility, increases core strength and stretches the entire front of the body. The name is derived from the Sanskrit ustra, meaning "camel," and asana, meaning "pose" or "posture."
To enter this asana, kneel down, then lean back to touch the feet with both hands.
Bakasana (Sanskrit: बकासन, Crane pose), and the similar Kakasana (Sanskrit: काकासन, Crow pose) are balancing asanas in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. In all variations, these are arm balancing poses in which hands are planted on the floor, shins rest upon upper arms, and feet lift up.
Chakrasana or Urdhva Dhanurasana is an asana in yoga as exercise. It is a backbend and is the first pose of the finishing sequence in Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. It gives great flexibility to the spine. In acrobatics and gymnastics this body position is called a bridge.
Halasana, or Plough pose, is an inverted asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. Its variations include Karnapidasana with the knees by the ears, and Supta Konasana with the feet wide apart.
Garbha Pindasana, Embryo in Womb Pose, sometimes shortened to Garbhasana, is a seated balancing asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga as exercise. The pose is identical to Uttana Kurmasana, the inverted tortoise pose, except that the body is on the back in that pose instead of balancing upright.
Vyaghrasana Benefit, Vyaghrasana Steps, Tiger Pose Yoga Benefits) Vyaghrasana is the Sanskrit word when translated into English means Tiger Pose. ... By stretching and contracting the spine, this pose loosens the spine, hip and leg joints, and tones the spinal nerves.